Monday, March 15, 2010

The Old Parents

Do you remember back when you were in school and there was always one kid who you weren't sure if he was with his parents or his grandparents because they looked old? Well... the twins started baseball season last week with their first practice on a new team. There are only eight other kids and they all seem nice. The parents were all real friendly and excited about the season as well. The only problem - if this is a problem - is that Abel and I are the old parents! OK, OK, I don't think anyone will mistake us for the twins' grandparents but we are easily the oldest parents on the team.
The rest of the parents call Abel "sir" - what is that about (at least they're polite)?!?!! It was actually funny at first. We both noticed it and winced a little but laughed at the question, "When did we become the old parents?"