Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Yesterday I took a non-stop flight home from New Jersey. The flight was 4+ hours, which means I was on the plane even longer than that. This is not usually a problem but I was in Seat 6B - that's a middle seat. By the time I got to board, all of the overhead bin space was taken so I had to put my computer bag under the seat in front of me. All the people in the back seats take the upfront bin space as they're walking to their crappy seats in the back of the plane.
This left me no leg space - zero. So for 4+hours my legs were cramped at an almost 90degree angle. I tried to extend a few times but it was nearly impossible. I thought about standing up but that would put my butt right at eye level for the men in Seats 6A and 6C - modesty (or embarrassment) kept me seated. If I am ever diagnosed with DVT, it began on this flight.
My bum knee is stiffer than ever and I am supposed to be on another 3+hr flight this weekend. Thank God I'm on Southwest where there are no assigned seats ...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Woo!Hoo! I did it. Four months ago I decided to start running. At that time I could not even run half a mile without stopping (and breathing heavy!). I worked up to a mile, then pushed myself to 1.33 miles. It seems funny now but I truly had to push to get to that point. Then, it seems, I got to 3miles fairly quickly. Next I was at 4 miles and a plateau for more than two weeks. When I got to 5miles I stayed there for another 2 1/2 weeks then, I got to 6; from six, it seemed that 7miles was a piece of cake and 8miles was not far behind. Ten was a little harder but once I got to 10miles, 13.1 seemed like a walk in the park.
There were days I didn't want to run. There were days I didn't think I could run any farther. There were days when bodily functions did not cooperate ; )
I had Abel at home just saying, "You'll do it." No encouragement or "go girl" moments, just his steady Marine Corps mantras. I came to hate them but they became my strength. I tried to get sympathy by showing my swollen ankles and busted knees but it didn't work. Abel would just say, "You'll do it, Nina. You're mind over matter and you've already made up your mind." Trina would also tell me, "Well it's only a personal goal so if you don't make it, it's OK."

But they kept me going. I ran on Hwy 151 and Loop 1604. Absolutely crazy. I look at the road where I ran now and I can't I was actually stupid enough to do that. No median or sidewalk just road with crazy drivers. But I ran. I woke up three days a week at 6am and ran before the kids got up. I ran on Saturday mornings when I wanted to sleep late. I added the Rocky theme to my iPOD (seriously).

Then the day of the race was nothing special. Abel and I woke up, got dressed and went to the park. The line to exit Hildebrand was about three miles long. I started to panic. Then I just told Abel to drive to the Mulberry exit and leave me on the freeway and I would walk from there. For some reason, that didn't sound as crazy as it does now writing it. But the Mulberry exit was open and we parked at SAWS. We walked to the start line. I used the Port-O-Pots that were so much more disgusting than anything Fiesta week could dream of. And then I ran. First through town, then back up towards Zoe's school. I looked for people I knew but didn't see anyone. I gave "low-fives" to all the kids on the sidewalks, even if I had to go out of my way to do it. Those kids were so much of a boost without even knowing what they were doing. I took my samples of GuGummies and bought myself one more hour of energy. We ran past Big Kahuna and the folks in the their Sofa King Bananas shirts towards San Pedro Park and back through town. I closed my eyes while running and asked Mario for a big puff - he gave it to me and I kept running. San Pedro was wide and I didn't have to worry about bumping or crowding. I had already made two pit-stops for water -I never stop to drink when I run but it was soooooooo humid. I ran past Providence and two firestations. Then into Southtown and I thought, "Thank you. We're almost there." Then instead of coming back towards the AlamoDome, we went further south. And kept going. I ran through two water hose water rain stations. It was so hot at this point but I could not take my top off because my number was pinned to it. Finally the course split: Half-Marathon to the left; crazy, insane Full-Marathoners to the right. We came up to Taco Haven and I am not sure if I have ever wanted to stop for a cold beer so much as I wanted to then. I looked for Pete and Rosemary but didn't see them and since I didn't have a wallet, I kept running. My thighs felt like they wieghed a ton and I asked Mario for one more boost.
There was a group of guys holding signs that said, "Keep Running - We're Drunk" -- what kind of inspiration is that? I pushed knowing that Abel and the kids were waiting for me. We ran past the Institute of Texan Cultures and Full Marathoners were running past me. Where do these people come from?! There wasa sponge station and I watered myself down. I kept going - I could see the Alamodome.Then we turned left. What?! It seems that every where there was a possible turn in the wrong direction, we took it. The final push was uphill. Abel would call it a mild gradient but it was a hill - up, not down. Who would put a hill at the end of the race?!@! Then when I got to the top of the hill, I turned right and saw the finish line. I have never been so happy. I ran. Well, as much as you can call it running at that point. I smiled. I was happy. I crossed the finish line and just felt elation. There was a shower at the end and I stood under it like I was washing sand out from the beach. I grabbed a cold, wet towel, washed my face and draped it around me like I was a prize fighter. The next step was the safe zone for finishers.
The safe zone was full of food - free food! I loaded up as much as I could and then as soon as I left the runner's safe zone, I saw my babies. It was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. They hugged me and gave me love despite that I was soaking wet. They loved me and loved that I ran. I love them and they are why I ran.

I have not run again. Its been five days. My left knee is still swollen and I totally get the penguin shirts now (I waddled for the two days following the race). I think I've gained three pounds and I don't even care. I woke up today at 6am, as usual, but since I didn't have to run, I went back to sleep. I finally rolled over about 45mins and it felt so good. I am ready to run again, just not today.

I'll let you know when that happens...

In the meantime, here is a link to the website of pictures of me running and crossing finish line (yay!) ... Go to Recent Events and choose the San Antonio Marathon then enter my Bib # 24663.

Thanks for reading ...